Monthly Archives: November 2014

Your Money Matters

Martin Baker, head of communications at Money&Co., in conversation with our friends at Share Radio on crowdfunding, peer-to-business lending and the financial world in general.

Alt Fi Growth Is Good News For Borrowers And Lenders Alike

The alternative-finance way of matching borrowers and lenders is yielding exciting results Cambridge University and Nesta recently published a report entitled “Understanding Alternative Finance”.  According to the report, the alternative finance market in the UK will have provided £1.74 billion during 2014 and this compares to £267 million in 2012 and £666 million in 2013.  […]

LendIt Conference And £10k Treasure Trove Latest

The LendIt conference in London’s Bishopsgate produced some interesting debate, and further proof that crowdfunding has a rosy future. A gathering of peer-to-peer (P2P) lenders (also known as person-to-business or P2B lender) generated lost of interesting talk – and the promise of some deeds that may benefit crowdfunders, businesses and individuals alike. Nicola Horlick, Money&Co.’s […]

New Treasure Hunt Winner On Trail of £10k Grand Prize

We are delighted to announce our second £1,000 winner in the mini-treasure hunt Money&Co. draw. Congratulations go to Darren, from Epsom, who works in the aviation industry. Darren helped to plant the ceramic poppies at the Tower of London (he is pictured above, sitting amidst some of his handiwork). He discovered crowdfunding and the Money&Co. […]

The Pension Quandry – What To Do With Your Capital?

Pension planning is a massive issue for our ageing UK population. So the question of which options we should all consider for our retirement is clearly a very important one. My personal opinion is that the UK government should allow peer-to-peer business loans (P2P or P2B assets – as you prefer) to be held with […]

Goodbye QE, Hello Uncertainty

When will it finally dry up? The Federal Reserve in the US has been looking to extract itself from its quantitative easing programme (QE) over the last 18 months, but feared that if it did so too soon, it would cause turmoil in the financial markets. It has finally concluded, after having made $4 trillion […]