Category Archives: Blog

Nicola’s Blog

Central Authorities And Their Attempts To Create Crypto Lookalikes

Central banks and their governments are involved in a giant evasion tactic. The thinking is universal, and simple: to persuade investors that central bank-run digital coins, be they central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), or “stablecoins’, are really some sort fo substitute for genuine cryptos. They are not. What investors get is a form of digital […]

Interest Rate Rises To Float Deposit Account And P2P Boats

The story of alternative finance is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a story of continuous parallel development. The alternative world develops and influences the mainstream. The genesis of peer-to-peer (P2P) finance was born of the need for alternative funding (and for lenders, yield source) not to be found in the mainstream. P2P loans of course are very different […]

Regulators And Cryptos; We Pick A Winner

From a recent News item – a moment of digital reflection… Irresistible forces and immovable objects have a fair bit of history. Inevitably, the irresistible force ends up the winner. In FinTech, cryptos are the coming thing. And nothing, it seems, can stop them. The UK’s top financial watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), is […]

Cryptoland: Idealists, Charlatans Somehow Create A Dangerous But Viable Future

In the final stage of his odyssey through cryptos, digital tokens and currencies, our communications director, award-winning journalist Martin Baker, draws some sobering conclusions and reveals his own plans for potential future investment in this volatile sector. The conventional wisdom nowadays is that cryptocurrencies have moved beyond being tools of criminality. From what I see, […]

The Dog Fight Between Public And Private Sectors For Digital-Currency Supremacy

Martin Baker, Money&Co.’s director of communications, continues his journey through the fast-changing and intensely competitive world of digital currencies  Private v Public Digital Money One of the reasons the central banks are so keen to popularise CBDCs is the fear that investment and digital banks will privatise the money supply. The private sector is scrambling […]

More Conclusions: Regulators Loathe Cryptos, And CBDC Competition Is On

Martin Baker, award-winning journalist and head of communications at Money&Co., opines on central banks, their competition for CBDC dominance and their dislike of cryptos Regulators Dislike Cryptos Regulators by definition cannot control tokens outside their banking system, so their antipathy is natural enough. This can spill over into wishful thinking. The Bank for International Settlements’ […]

CBDC International Scramble For Dominance Under Scrutiny

Martin Baker, award-winning journalist and head of communications at Money&Co., continues his take on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).   According to trade commentator NonFungible, trading in NFTs jumped by 300% in 2020 topping $250 million. In 2019, the same report said that the NFT market was a mere $62.8 million having dropped by 68% […]

CBDCs And The Mainstream’s Attempt To Control Cryptos

Here’s a first take on the fast-growing central bank digital currency market, as the mainstream tries to compete with and subsume cryptocurrencies within the established system. Baroness Susan Kramer, former LibDem Treasury spokesperson, notes the growth of CBDCs and argues that “there’s a gathering momentum behind fiat digital currencies. China is among the leading countries […]