Tag Archives: Lloyds Bank

Mainstream Bank Enhances Digital Asset Management Potential

We can finish off what’s become a mini-series of stories on the way digital banking is not just joining the mainstream service offering available out there – when it is in fact dictating what the mainstream really is. The Fintech Times has this offering: Lloyds Bank has bolstered its collaboration with financial software firm Alfa to make it […]

FinTech SMEs: Covid-Cashflow Latest

The Covid cashflow mini-crisis for SMEs is being reported, albeit in a piecemeal way. Our friends at UKTech News bring us the latest on SME cash flow issues, as researched by the news outlet and Lloyds Commercial banking: Joint research conducted by Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking and UK Tech News has delved into how the […]

Crowdfunding, British Business Bank – And Mixed Messages

It’s not quite the seething mass of contradiction offered by the Brexit debate, but the crowdfunding and alternative finance scene is certainly not short of mixed messages. Yesterday’s story on the Deloitte report suggesting that banks wouldn’t be facing that stiff a competitive challenge from peer-to-peer (P2P) business lenders is followed by a tale of […]