Monthly Archives: March 2015

UK SMEs Overtake German Counterparts Despite Lack Of Funding

Not only is the remarkable performance of the UK’s small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMes) largely unrecognised, it’s a minor miracle that UK SMEs – the engine of the current recovery – are doing as well as they are, argues Nicola Horlick, CEO of Money&Co., in her latest blog in the Huffington Post. Nicola says that […]

Crowd Calls For P2P Loan NISA – P2PFA

A new survey from the Peer to Peer Finance Association (P2PFA) indicates that consumers “overwhelmingly” believe that peer-to-peer (P2P) lending should be separated from traditional cash or stocks and shares New Individual Savings Accounts (NISAs) – also commonly referred to as ISAs.   Over 4,500 individual lenders were polled regarding their preferences. The data also revealed that […]

Towards A P2P Lending Benchmark – AltFi Breaks New Ground

The AltFi newspaper and media website has set up the Liberum AltFi Returns Index (LARI), a peer-to-peer (P2P) benchmark of loan yields. LARI “is designed to measure the returns generated from marketplace lending,” reports AltFI. “Index values are time-weighted, published as aggregate annualised returns, measuring what an equal time-weighted exposure to every loan made would […]