Tag Archives: Altfi

Crowdfunding Comparisons: On Risks, Rewards – And Fruit Salads

We often talk about how the young industry of crowdfunding is trying to find stability, certainty and identity. Even the names describing what we do are unstable (for the record, at Money&Co. we are a peer-to-peer [P2P] business lender, lending to small and medium-sized enterprises [SMEs]). See our opinion a while back: “What’s in a name?” […]

Consumer, Business And Property Drive P2P Crowdfunding Growth

Our friends at leading media outlet, AltFi, look at the sustained growth in the peer-to-peer (P2P) sub-sector of crowdfunding. They break P2P down into consumer, business and property-backed streams. They are all showing healthy growth – but P2P business lending (which is what we do at Money&Co.) and property-backed lending lead the way in a […]

Crowdfunders Set To Race Away In 2016

The UK’s alternative finance Industry had a very productive festive season, reports leading sector media outlet, AltFi. “December’s origination volume setting a new industry record with the Liberum AltFi Volume Index tracking £283.3m in financing originated. This just bettered the previous high of £279.1m, set in September 2015, and represented a 73% increase in volume on December […]

Keeping The Crowd in Crowdfunding In 2016

Ryan Weeks, one of the leading writers on UK crowdfunding, writes in AltFi on what to watch out for in 2016. Ryan’s views are not dissimilar to our own communications director’s take on the topic on the Money&Co. site. However, Ryan also asks a particularly interesting question: Will the institutional funding run dry? “The various […]

IFAs MIss Out On P2P Crowdfunding At Clients’ Peril

We recently brought you news of the £20 billion of economic loss caused by small and medium-sized enterprises’ lack of awareness of alternative funding sources. The picture only gets bleaker. Ryan Weeks, the editor of AltFi, reports on a survey by Intelligent Partnership, which reveals “an endemic lack of awareness about the alternative finance space […]

P2P Risk Assessment – Big Brother, Or Just Better Data?

How do you assess risk? Without reliable information, known in industry jargon as good data sets, the task is hopeless. There’s a growing trend in crowdfunding to look at information that is other than financial, partly as a predictor of borrower behaviour. Focusing on data other than the financial is obviously helpful in providing a […]

P2P Funds – AltFi, Moneyweek Report

Our friends at Money Week and Alt Fi  are running a series on mutual funds invested in peer-to-peer (P2P) loans. This is the first, and deals with performance, mandates, discount/surplus to NAV in some detail.    “Using numbers from investment trust analysts at Numis, we can clearly see from the various detailed tables below that […]

P2P Gets Green Light, Equity Amber, Minibonds Wait

Money Observer is one of several platforms to update on the IFISA delay for equity crowdfunding, and addition of minibonds in September for P2P. Mainstream P2P assets will be eligible for IFISAs from next April. “In his latest Autumn Statement, chancellor of the exchequer George Osborne has announced that the list of qualifying investments for the […]