Tag Archives: Brexit

Fintech A Bright Spot In Uncertain Post-Brexit Times

Uncertainty following the Brexit referendum vote continues. UK business Insider offers some upbeat news: “British fintech startups have announced at least £40 million of investment in just over a month since the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union, according to an analysis by Business Insider. “Nine funding deals in the fintech sector totalling […]

Brexit: Hope, Fear But No Clarity – Plus Loan Latest

Today, we offer a tale from crowdfunding intelligence platform, Another Crowd, with which Money&Co., has a close association, including the co-sponsorship of two alternative finance conferences (with another one coming up in November). “The results are in from the first survey of UK startup’s attitudes to Brexit. We could cherry-pick some statistics and tell you […]

Stress Testing SMEs Is Silver Lining For P2P Lenders

The economic consequences of Brexit are beginning to be felt. Money&Co.’s CEO, Nicola Horlick, has been taking soundings from economists and financial researchers. Her conclusion? “There is no doubt that the unexpected vote to leave in the referendum will cause economic weakness in the UK.” There is, however, a silver lining for lenders. Nicola believes […]

Brexit Will Trigger UK Recession

Richard Batley, an economist at Lombard Street Research, is now predicting that the UK will tip into recession in the second half of this year as a result of Brexit. He points out that the UK economy was looking fragile before the shock result, with business investment slowing in the second half of 2015 and […]

Alternative Finance Providers Face Brexit Challenge

Nick Stainthorpe of international law firm, Reed Smith LLP, blogs in AltFi on the challenges and opportunities for alternative finance provides after the Brexit vote. “The referendum has two key consequences for the alternative finance industry. The first is economic. Alternative lenders are not funded by deposits, central banks or short-term wholesale funding tools such as […]

Brexit: A News Briefing For Anyone Just Landed From Mars

There’s only one news story this week, of course – Martians have invaded Earth. OK, we’re kidding. And if you hadn’t worked that one out, you’ve probably been living on Mars yourself these last few days. Here’s Money&Co. CEO Nicola Horlick’s blog reaction to the Brexit victory in the referendum:  “There are no immediate implications […]

Brexit Would Be Bad For Businesses, Big And Small

Today I take a look at big-picture economics and politics, and ask how it all affects the small and medium-sized enterprises whose funding Money&Co. facilitates by means of peer-to-peer (P2P) business lending. One of the great economic successes for the UK over the last twenty years has been the revival of the British car industry. […]