Tag Archives: IFISA season

IFISA Sun Set To Shine Brightly On P2P Platforms And Investors

Good times lie ahead for financial technology and investors alike. As a young industry, crowdfunded peer-to-peer (P2P) business lending is in the foothills of public awareness and general acceptance. But all that is set to change, with the advent of the Innovative Finance Individual Savings Account (ISA). At Money&Co. we received full authorisation to offer […]

New Loan Offer: IFISA-Ready, Property-Backed And Coming Soon!

We’re excited to announce that today sees the launch of the latest property-backed offering from webuyanhome.com. At the time of writing, the process of publishing the offer is in train. The loan will, like its predecessors, be property-backed, ie secured against a portfolio of residential property with the loan representing a substantial discount to market […]

IFISA Season: Myth-Busting Time!

Our friends at AltFi run a piece offering useful advice from Nutmeg, an online financial intermediary. Nutmeg talks its own book, which is fair enough, but does offer some useful advice for those thinking of using their £15,240 tax-free allowance in an Individual Savings Account (ISA) before the end of the year. Money&Co. has full […]