Monthly Archives: August 2020

Doom, Gloom or Boom? Latest Survey Forecasts Sunny FinTech Future

In the current climate of hyper-vigilance, many commentators note a couple of data points and then extrapolate wild conclusions: an uptick means all is well, a bad moment indicates a gloomy end. A more measured approach comes from Accenture – whose full survey of contemporary FinTech health is well worth a read. Despite the global coronavirus pandemic, FinTech […]

FSB Seeks ‘Most Pro-Buinsess Ever’ Budget Measures

The Federation of Small Businesses lobbies, quite reasonably, ahead of the next Budget. We’ll stop bringing you downbeat news, as soon as there’s good news to report – and that’s a promise. Meanwhile, here’s the latest “Winter Is Coming” piece from the mainstream media, via our friends at Crowdfundinsider. The next or upcoming UK Budget […]

Government Loan Schemes: Bounceback Or Flip-Flop?

The UK government has been criticised for a number of economic and general policy somersaults during the Covid-19 crisis. Our friends at P2P Finance News reports on what looks like the latest unfortunate event. Banks are pressuring borrowers to payback coronavirus business interruption loans (CBILS) early, it has been claimed. Richard Churchill a business advisory […]

The Covid Crisis And Its Unclaimed Millions

The stories are yet to be told. But the critics who argue that the government’s strategy for the Covid-19 crisis consists of throwing money at things may have a field day with this news report from our friends at Crowdfundinsider. We’ll keep monitoring the situation. Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt from the tale: Emergency COVID-19 funding […]

FinTech International Finance Management Service Breaks New Ground

Politicians seem to be doing their best to put up barriers to international trade, but the innovators in the FinTech sector are having none of it. He latest example of fearless buccaneering across national borders comes from a former member of the fast-expanding international challenger bank, Revolut. The newly launched Sync. looks like an interesting […]

Covid-19 And Home-Working Claim TechHub Victim

In the grand scheme of changes effected by the pandemic crisis, working from home is far more widely accepted than before. Put another way, Covid claims a victim in the FinTech resources space. Our friends at Finextra report: London’s TechHub has been forced into administration due to a revenue drain from startups feeling the pain […]

On-Trend: Another Direct Lender Forges Banking Link

Landbay is a FinTech lending platform with an exclusive focus on real-estate-related loans. Now it has a mystery backer, as it explores the institutional route to expansion. That type of link-up is very much on-trend in the direct lending sub-sector of Fintech. AltFi reports the tale, excerpted below, with the full story here. Buy-to-let mortgage […]