Tag Archives: covid-19

Covid Loans Doing The Job – Plus Loan Offer Latest

When it comes to Covid-related business loans – the emergency measures rushed into place in March 2020 and later – there’s been a lot of analysis gifted with the benefit of twenty-twenty hindsight. Amid the rather hostile criticism that predominates, good news is being reported. Our friends at Altfi convey the latest: Now, new research […]

BBB Survey Shows £18 Billion Handed To Help Business Cope With Covid-19

We’re still wondering quite what’ been happening under cover of Covid-19 and its mutations. Our friends at P2P Finance News report on the latest survey from the British Business Bank: UK businesses received more than £18bn in private debt lending during 2018 and 2019, highlighting the significant role that the private debt market can play in […]

Venture Capital Offers Bright Spot In Uncertain UK Future

The stop-start, hot-cold nature of the alternative finance industry in the time of Covid-19 is a continuing theme. Rather than bust, the latest news report from our friends at UK Tech News offers a snapshot of a booming venture-capital industry, at least in London. With the latest vaccine developments and the impact of Brexit (possibly, […]

Covid Pandemic Is Hitting Youth Hardest

These are momentous times. And, political tumult notwithstanding, financially and mentally difficult ones for many. Our friends at P2P Finance News adduce two separate pieces of research which have concluded that people aged 18 to 24 have been most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. According to a poll by credit reference agency Credit Kudos, 37 […]

Bounce Back Loan Post-Mortem Begins

The fallout from the government’s emergency measures to combat Covid-19 continues. Given the advent of a second wave of the virus, the ramifications of the financial measures to deal with the first wave seems like small beer. And it is. But have a little drink on us anyway – here’s a report from City A.M.: […]

Winter Is Coming For SMEs, Along With Brexit…

The UK’s SMEs fear the second wave of Covid-19 more than they fear Brexit. In our opinion, both are potentially devastating. Our friends at AltFi report: Almost half of British businesses fear the impact of the second wave of Coronavirus, more than they fear the impact of Brexit, according to new research commissioned Nucleus Commercial Finance.   […]

Covid Crisis Promotes Innovation In SME Management

Change is the one constant of the stories surrounding Covid-19 and its effect on our markets – small and medium-sized companies, and FinTech players in the alternative-finance sector. More on the problems of bounce-back loans soon. Meanwhile, our friends at P2P Finance News P2P Finance News report research on the new thinking the crisis has […]

Latest Covid-19 CBILS Moves Help Calm Markets – Plus Loan Latest

The  ever-changing foment concerning Covid-19 continues. AltFi reports early developments regarding the CBILS extension, which has had a positive-to-neutral effect on the UK equity markets, at least. Back when the government first announced its financial aid package to help SMEs in March, it was first met with a sense of exasperation as it appeared fintechs and alternative lenders had been ignored. Fintechs were initially […]