Tag Archives: Altfi

Asset Sale Shows FinTech Migration To Asset-Backing Continues

The trend for established FinTech players to migrate towards asset-backed loans – consistently identified in this News section – continues. Our friends at AltFi report: Listed lending fund Honeycomb has disposed of £44.6m of consumer unsecured whole loans to Tandem Bank in August, according to a stock market update.  Honeycomb says the sale “is in line with the Company’s […]

Leading Direct Lender Pivots To Focus On Fixed-Term Savings

Times are changing. Regular readers of this News section will know our consistent interest in the relationship between mainstream finance and the FinTech sub-sector of alternative finance. Early mainstream acquisitions of altfi assets were often disastrous, and both sectors are finding a way of getting closer to one another. The latest comes from a founding […]

Doom, Gloom or Boom? Latest Survey Forecasts Sunny FinTech Future

In the current climate of hyper-vigilance, many commentators note a couple of data points and then extrapolate wild conclusions: an uptick means all is well, a bad moment indicates a gloomy end. A more measured approach comes from Accenture – whose full survey of contemporary FinTech health is well worth a read. Despite the global coronavirus pandemic, FinTech […]

On-Trend: Another Direct Lender Forges Banking Link

Landbay is a FinTech lending platform with an exclusive focus on real-estate-related loans. Now it has a mystery backer, as it explores the institutional route to expansion. That type of link-up is very much on-trend in the direct lending sub-sector of Fintech. AltFi reports the tale, excerpted below, with the full story here. Buy-to-let mortgage […]

A Touch Of (AltFi) Frost: New Manchester FinTech

Mainstream finance has spent a long time coming in the direction of altfi. Now the traffic is definitely two-way. AltFi reports an innovation from a Manchester-based lawyer, who’s heading for the banking space: The founder of a Manchester-based law firm is gearing up for a rollout of a digital bank next year, after the law […]

FinTechs And Furloughs: Business As Usual Beckons (For Some)

One of our favourite media epithets is “tight-lipped”, a synonym for “no comment”. Our friends at AltFi showcase a fine example: UK fintechs are remaining tight-lipped on whether they will take up the government’s offer of thousands of pounds for returning furloughed workers to their jobs. The government’s job retention bonus scheme pays businesses £1,000 for […]

Covid Necessities Mother AltFi Invention

The pandemic has certainly been an agent for change. The need to adapt strategy and business direction has become a matter of survival for both mainstream and alternative financial sectors. The inventiveness, mothered by necessity, may even see one of the oldest and best-established direct lending platforms morph into an altogether different type of financial […]