Tag Archives: Zopa

More Zopa P2P Withdrawal Fallout – Plus Loan Offer Latest

Following yesterday’s News item on Zopa’s withdrawal from the peer-to-peer lending market, Money&Co.’s founder and CDEO, Nicola Horlick, features in a round-up pf reactions, published by our friends at P2P Finance News. After 16 years, Zopa is exiting the peer-to-peer lending space, leaving an enormous gap in the market and raising questions about the future of consumer […]

Mainstream And Alternative Finance Sectors Continue Down Convergence Path

Today we bring news of the latest step along the evolutionary path that is bringing convergence between mainstream finance and the alternative-finance sector. Our friends at Altfi report a significant development: The pioneer of peer-to-peer lending Zopa is to shut its P2P platform after 16 years in a bid to focus on its growing bank and credit […]

AltFi-Mainstream’s Latest Pairing – A Marriage Made In Heaven?

Another day, another deal in the alternative-finance sector as it marries itseld off to mainstream banking and finance. The latest pairing brings a surprisingly positive comment – good maybe, but “made in heaven”? – from our friends at AltFi, who report: Another partnership that seems to be a match in fintech heaven, this time for […]

Leading Direct Lender Pivots To Focus On Fixed-Term Savings

Times are changing. Regular readers of this News section will know our consistent interest in the relationship between mainstream finance and the FinTech sub-sector of alternative finance. Early mainstream acquisitions of altfi assets were often disastrous, and both sectors are finding a way of getting closer to one another. The latest comes from a founding […]

Covid Necessities Mother AltFi Invention

The pandemic has certainly been an agent for change. The need to adapt strategy and business direction has become a matter of survival for both mainstream and alternative financial sectors. The inventiveness, mothered by necessity, may even see one of the oldest and best-established direct lending platforms morph into an altogether different type of financial […]

P2P Returns In Lower Interest Rate Environment

How will peer-to-peer (P2P) lenders fare when interest rates fluctuate? That question is frequently posed in the mainstream media, which is beginning to show increased awareness and understanding of the P2P lending sector – one of the fastest-expanding sub-sectors of alternative finance. The Bank of England’s lowering of base rates earlier this year has so […]