Tag Archives: covid-19

Government SME Credit Scheme Opens For Business – Plus Loan Latest

Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s much-anticipated bounce-back loans scheme is open for applications as of yesterday. The SME Web has detail. Delivered exclusively by lenders accredited by the British Business Bank, the scheme, announced on April 27, specifically targets small and micro businesses in all sectors, providing loans from £2,000 up to 25 per cent of their […]

AltFi Sector Moves To Make Sense Of New Environment

More moves in an alternative finance sector that’s working hard to adapt itself to new working conditions. Industry body Innovate Finance has appointed Mike Carter to lead its recently-established 36H Group, which took over from the Peer-to-Peer Finance Association in January. Our friends at AltFi take up the story. Carter has been appointed to the role of Head of […]

Mitigating Risk In An Uncertain World – Our Managed Portfolio Service

Today’s world and its multiple risks surely help us us understand there’s no such thing as a sure thing. But what savvy investors can do is mitigate risk. Spreading your investments is generally accepted as a good way of spreading risk. This brings to mind our managed portfolio service, available to lenders committing £100,000 or […]

Healthcare Sector Finds Financial Favour Amid Covid Crisis

More commentary for these disconcerting times. UKTech News carries a piece arguing that healthcare start-ups are set to blossom in the current environment. Our view is that the Covid crisis is making most investors more risk-averse. That said, profit is made by brave investors, who commit capital when the roar of cannon can (metaphorically) be […]

AltFi Europe In The Time Of Covid-19

The early news of virus fallout from the alternative finance sector is coming in. Below we run an excerpt of news from the European Crowdfunding Network (ECN) as reported by our friends at  Crowdfundinsider. Our understanding – and direct experience here at Money&Co. – is that niche players will survive the crisis well. The ECN , […]

Covid-19: We’re Home, But Not Alone

The headline tells the tale. See below the short note recently sent to our lenders. The Money&Co. team is now working from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Please rest assured that nothing will change and we will be processing payments as usual. With regard to our borrowers, we are in the process of speaking to all […]

Platform Lending A Safe Haven In Equity-Market Storms

The European Central Bank (ECB) Governing Council has announced a 750 euro billion bailout package to mitigate the economic impact of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 on mainstream finance. But in the current environment, will it be enough? The ECB has decided to: To launch a new temporary asset purchase programme of private and public sector securities to […]