Tag Archives: loan performance

Season’s Greetings From All Of Us Here At Money&Co.

It’s been an exciting year. The platform-lending sub-sector of alternative finance has had its trials and tribulations, with the failure of a number of platforms and the instigation of an overdue and much-needed new regulatory system. The weaker players will fall by the wayside, and this will offer better certainty and greater protection for lenders. […]

Platform Lending Revisited – We Scan The Credit Horizon

Platforms like ours are relatively new kids on the block in the world of high-yield products. It’s so new the terminology hasn’t settled down. It’s known as platform lending, marketplace lending or peer-to-peer (P2P) lending. The novelty is relative. Platform lending began in the US in the depths of the 2008 credit crunch. The banks […]

Running Commentaries On SME Funding And Alternative Finance – Our View

Smaller companies are looking more to alternative-finance sources for funding, according to research reported by our friends at P2P Finance News. This is the latest in a series of apparently contradictory (and possibly just attention-seeking) reports on the topic. As we have reported here earlier: “The signals on funding for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) […]

Talking Money: Find Clarity In Managing Your Money

Ahead of tomorrow’s Talking Money seminar near Farnham, we thought we’d revisit the whole idea of managing money, which is undoubtedly a complicated business. Money management is a whole sub-sector of financial services dedicated to getting the best value for capital invested. All the while, the money managers have to use their best efforts to keep […]

How To Find Good Returns In A Low-Income World

The time-worn aphorism – a bit of a cliche, if you like – that there’s nothing new under the sun, certainly applies to crowdfunding. What’s equity crowdfunding, but fractional ownership of a company? The only conceptual difference between acquiring those shares on a stockmarket or via crowdfunding is the digital medium (although there are often […]

FinTech Opportunities ‘Increasing’ As Banks Still Shun SMEs

Our friends at Off3r.com provide widely followed commentary on the alternative financial and financial technology (FinTech) scene. The platform recently caught up with our CEO, Nicola Horlick, who offered some insightful words on the future of alternative finance in general, FinTech in particular – and the helpful effect of mainstream finance’s indifference to funding small […]

New Loan Offer Not Just For Dedicated Followers Of Fashion!

The working week begins with a new, B-rated loan offering. The purpose of the proposed loan is, according to the borrower, to acquire “Macrimex Limited [a fashion company – see below] for a total consideration of [£] 286,000. The purchase price includes fixtures, fittings and goodwill with the remainder of the consideration comprising working capital […]