Monthly Archives: November 2016

Financial Capability – Be Aware Of The Basics

Today we look at a report from our close friends at Another Crowd, the crowdfunding intelligence platform. Another Crowd looks at Financial Capability Week, which is all about some thing very close to our hearts here at Money&Co., namely “people’s ability to manage their money well. That includes day-to-day management, but also managing the financial […]

The (Female) Future Of Crowdfunding And Alternative Finance

Our friends at AltFi run an article on gender balance in equity crowdfunding and alternative finance generally. “There are reports that suggest women are generally more risk-averse than men and so less likely to lend or invest their savings. Another theory is that women discuss or brag less about their personal financial arrangements which result […]

From Start-up To Scale-Up – AltFi Funding Examined

Britain is a nation of start-ups, but not of scale-ups, reports David Prosser in Forbes. David cites recent research that concludes that the UK’s “small and medium-sized enterprises are being stifled by a lack of access to finance. Like others before it, this study, from the House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, […]

FSB Says FinTech ‘No Immediate Threat’ To Stability

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) met in London this week. The FSB is an international organisation that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system. Its object is to promote global financial stability and monitor implementation of agreed policies.  Members include the G20 countries and key financial centres such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Spain, and […]

Eyes Forward – SME Funding Sources For 2017

It’s that time of year again. We’re looking forward to 2017 with all kinds of eager anticipation – so long as our eyes remain firmly trained on this side of the Atlantic (and that’s all we’re saying about that). So: entrepreneur-turned-investor and Worth Capital co-founder Matthew Cushen assesses the options for funding small businesses in […]

Tech Bullion: There’s Gold In Them There FinTech Hills…

We’re always happy to bring good news about our industry. Here’s some from a US perspective, via Tech Bullion: “Fintech Week 2016 ranked the UK first amongst the world’s leading Fintech hubs. Last year, professional services firm EY listed the UK as the most fintech-friendly country, with the industry employing over 61,000 people and generating […]

FinTech SME Funding: Evolution Or Revolution?

The evolution of the alternative-finance sector has seen much coverage of and research into the awareness (or lack of it) of small businesses seeking alternative sources of funding. But sometimes the sources themselves, or at least their providers, change as the markets evolve. This might seem revolutionary, as the service providers pivot, but really it […]

Seller Beware! Overpricing P2P Assets Can Backfire

We could have told you so. In fact, one of us did: the mingling of alternative finance with the mainstream is to be welcomed – but only providing the financials are right. The highest-profile example of such dangers is surely the flotation of Lending Club on the New York Stock Exchange in December 2014. Lending Club was a […]

Equity Or Debt? The SME Funding Dichotomy Revisted

Today, we revisit an old problem – and the new answers that the alternative-finance industry is offering, How should a small company seeking funds to expand go about it? By selling equity to investors? Or should it seek loans from lenders? More mature companies will typically take on debt rather than give away precious equity. […]