Tag Archives: Altfi

Budget Wish List For P2P And AltFi – Plus Loan Latest

As we publish this article, the Chancellor is delivering his Budget speech. Our friends at P2P Finance News report some of the hopes and wishes of market place business lenders, such as Money&Co. We run an excerpt below. PEER-TO-PEER lenders have outlined some of their hopes for Wednesday’s Budget, including calls to improve small- and […]

FinTech Is Putting Banks’ Noses Out Of Joint – Plus Loan Latest

Financial technology (FinTech) is creating more and more disruption in the banking sector, according to a report from our friends at AltFi. “Big banks need to respond to rapidly changing customer preferences, digital interfaces and platform businesses to thrive post-crisis, according to a new report from Oliver Wyman… “Whatever their progress on the restructuring agenda, […]

Survey Shows FinTech Set For Wave Of Acquisitions – Plus Loan Latest

Our friends at AltFi report a survey conducted by leading City law firm, Simmons & Simmons, which predicts a boom in financial technology (FinTech) mergers and acquisitions. We offer an excerpt of the article below. Our own experience of the peer-to-peer (P2P) business lending sub-sector of crowdfunding – one of the fastest-growing parts of FinTech […]

Alternative Finance Taking Centre Stage – Plus Loan Offer Latest

Our friends at P2P Finance News report the latest figures from Honeycomb Investment Trust (a quoted company that invests in other companies). This part of an accelerating trend that is bringing alternative finance – including peer-to-peer (P2P) business lending, a sub-sector of crowdfunding – to the centre stage of mainstream finance. “HONEYCOMB investment trust has […]

Smart Comparison Reports Come Hand-In-Hand With Maturing AltFi Market

As the world of alternative finance matures, its associated media coverage and the performance monitoring becomes more sophisticated. There are already a number of cmparison sites of varying degrees of efficiency and clarity looking at our sub-sector – peer-to-peer (P2P) business lending. Our friends at Crowdfundinsider bring us news of another entrant into the monitoring […]

Bridging Finance A Welcome Adjunct To AltFi And P2P Market

Our friends at Bridging & Commercial offer commentary on what is seen as a fast-growing bridging-loan market. We run a brief excerpt below. This news item accords with our own experience. It’s perhaps no coincidence that the latest loan offering on site is a property-backed bridging loan, which is attracting steady bids from lenders. The […]

How To Find Good Returns In A Low-Income World

The time-worn aphorism – a bit of a cliche, if you like – that there’s nothing new under the sun, certainly applies to crowdfunding. What’s equity crowdfunding, but fractional ownership of a company? The only conceptual difference between acquiring those shares on a stockmarket or via crowdfunding is the digital medium (although there are often […]

Digital Convergence Latest: P2P And Challenger Banks

Thanks to our friends at AltFi for the latest report on the convergence of mainstream and “alternative” finance. The over-used epithet “disruption” really does apply to financial technology. Administration and credit analysis are both massively enhanced by the advent of cutting-edge technology. For now, at least, big data and artificial intelligence alone are not enough […]