Tag Archives: Altfi

AltFi ‘Still Not Transparent Enough’ – Plus A+ Loan Latest

Julia Groves is one of crowdfunding’s leading figures, a force for good in alternative finance in our opinion, and, we also like to think, a friend of this platform and its values. Julia argues in a typically pithy opinion piece in today’s AltFi that alternative finance in the UK is still not transparent enough. “Alternative […]

Alternative Financing Awareness

Money&Co.’s latest loan offering closes today at 17:00. This A-rated, three-year loan of over £121,000 is being sought by an independent adviser looking to use the funds to expand. At the time of writing the offering has a current average gross yield of 8.4 per cent.  Meanwhile, as providers of alternative finance in the form […]

Alternative Finance Providers Face Brexit Challenge

Nick Stainthorpe of international law firm, Reed Smith LLP, blogs in AltFi on the challenges and opportunities for alternative finance provides after the Brexit vote. “The referendum has two key consequences for the alternative finance industry. The first is economic. Alternative lenders are not funded by deposits, central banks or short-term wholesale funding tools such as […]

Uncertainty Is Prime Cause Of Current Marketplace Wobbles

Ryan Weeks, editor of AltFi and a leading journalist in the crowdfunding space, blogs in TechCrunch “in defence of P2P”. It’s excellent to hear a sane, measured voice amid the shrill – indeed, gleeful – hysteria that followed the Lending Club affair. An extended excerpt follows, with our grateful thanks to Ryan and TechCrunch. For […]

P2P’s Market Timing? We Take A Longer View

Our friends at AltFi run an investment feature that argues P2P-invested funds are a buying opportunity in the wake of the Lending Club affair. The platform operates as a showcase for the opinions of Monica Tepes, director of investment company research at Cantor Fitzgerald.   “Investors should treat the market turmoil surrounding the lending club […]

SME Alternative Funding – Key Questions Answered

Are you looking for funding for your business? Growth Business offers a primer to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking for alternative finance. It’s a clearly written article, with sensible commentary in it. We reproduce excerpts below, with glosses for SMEs looking to get funding via our own platform. For detail of how we bring […]

Runners And Riders Scramble To Get In IFISA Race

The UK’s chief financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has released a statement regarding the eligibility of crowdfunders to market the Innovative Finance Individual Savings Account (IFISA). The IFISA is, in theory, available next week, when the new tax year begins. Investors will be able to commit as much as £20,000 to an IFISA […]

Crowdfunders’ Co-Operation On SME Funding A Welcome Move

Our friends at AltFi report on a link between a major peer-to-peer crowdfunder, RateSetter and the Angel-led equity crowdfunder, SyndicateRoom. AltFi editor Ryan Weeks highlights a innovative tie-up between these two major players – and it’s a move that we very much welcome at Money&Co. See a panel discussion here. Back in October we were […]