Monthly Archives: February 2019

‘Brexit-Induced Volatility Should Compel Investors To Consider P2P’ – 4th Way

Our friends at Crowdfundinsider report that peer-to-peer (P2P) lending research firm 4thWay “has published a note touting the benefits of investing in P2P loans in contrast to more volatile equity investing. 4thWay says that Brexit induced market volatility should compel investors to consider investing in online loans.” “4thWay says it is simple for lenders (ie investors) to diversify […]

Owzat?? Money&Co. Sponsors Cricket And Rugby For IFISA Season

As the Individual Savings Account (ISA) season cranks into gear, the marketing boffins at Money&Co. couldn’t quite resist offering support to England’s boys in white. We’ve been pleasantly surprised by the name recognition from the hoardings in St Lucia for the third cricket Test Match between the West Indies and England. Our sporting interests don’t […]

Property-Backed 8% Yield Loan Nears Close – Plus IFISA Guide

Tomorrow, we’ll be taking a closer look at the pros and cons of investing in equity, specifically start-ups seeking share capital via crowdfunding. We often look at equity crowdfunding, as it’s seen by many as an alternative (though it’s not an either/or alternative) to crowdfunded debt. This site facilitates investment in crowdfunded debt: we bring […]

Equity Versus Debt: We Look At Risk And Rewards For P2P And Beyond

Investing in peer-to-peer (P2P) loans has its attractions, especially for the income-hungry. It also has its risks – which are prominently displayed on this site, including the Home Page and the risk warnings run at the foot of almost every article. But investing in the P2P platforms that provide the loans is something that can […]

Mainstream Eyes AltFi Consolidation Objectives

Mainstream banking has long been playing a game of “if you can’t beat them, join them” with the alternative finance industry. Our own sub-sector of alternative finance, the peer-to-peer (P2P) credit sector, is among the most popular and sought-after. The government-backed British Business Bank is positively eager to help with credit funds for properly sourced […]