Tag Archives: Altfi

AltFi Sector Moves To Make Sense Of New Environment

More moves in an alternative finance sector that’s working hard to adapt itself to new working conditions. Industry body Innovate Finance has appointed Mike Carter to lead its recently-established 36H Group, which took over from the Peer-to-Peer Finance Association in January. Our friends at AltFi take up the story. Carter has been appointed to the role of Head of […]

British Business Bank Expands CBIL Panel – But Is Money Getting Through?

The British Business Bank announces that it has approved four new lenders for accreditation under the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), which provides financial support to smaller businesses (SMEs) across the UK that are losing revenue and seeing their cashflow disrupted, as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak. Good news. However… the information coming […]

Will Crowd Be Allowed In Coming Great British Recapitalisation?

Great British Recapitalisation anyone? One of the issues that will surely become a hot topic come the end of the Covid-19 epidemic is the refinancing of the British economy. Below, we run an extract from an article that posits one certainty: equity raises will be a key part of the recovery plan. If existing shareholders […]

AltFi Europe In The Time Of Covid-19

The early news of virus fallout from the alternative finance sector is coming in. Below we run an excerpt of news from the European Crowdfunding Network (ECN) as reported by our friends at  Crowdfundinsider. Our understanding – and direct experience here at Money&Co. – is that niche players will survive the crisis well. The ECN , […]

Cambridge Judge Produces Benchmark Report On Pre-Virus AltFi World

Regular readers will be aware that the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF), part of the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, is a friend of Money&Co. Here’s just one of our recent reports on an institution we consider the leading source of data and analysis in the alternative finance industry. The CCAF has published the single most […]

Alternative Finance: Bid Wars And Loan Returns

We are following an old-fashioned takeover battle in the FinTech sector. A market-listed investment trust investing in alternative finance, particularly the platform-lending sub-sector, is the subject of a hostile takeover bid. As asset valuations for this investing in the sector via this route continue to fluctuate, an alternative route looks more and more attractive. Investors […]

Digital Banks Lead Change – But Deposit Accountholders Lag The Field

Banking as we know it is set to change. Maybe, just maybe, mainstream banks will begin to offer better returns on their deposit accounts one day (tricky, though that is, given their overheads). If they ever get there, the alternative finance sector, with FinTech in the form of digital banks, will lead the charge. Our […]

Alternative Finance Sector Heads For Growth

This year in alternative finance is set to see the sustained dash for growth we’ve long predicted here in our News pages. One way platform lending operations like Money&Co. might do this is to seek a banking licence (but the process is long and demanding). Another way is to collaborate (thought this can be fraught […]