Tag Archives: Altfi

Europe’s FinTech Bandwagon Rolls On

Today we bring news of expansion of our FinTech sector across Europe – all of this ahead of new loan offerings landing shortly on site, as previously highlighted here. Our friends at Altfi report: SMEs across Europe hungry for cash have a new digital bank to turn to in the form of Fibr, which launches […]

Open Banking Rings Altfi Changes – Plus Loan Latest

Digital banks, challenger banks (not quite the same thing) and the open banking initiative are individually and collectively ringing changes in the alternative-finance sector. Our friends at Altfi report the latest: UK Open Banking is undergoing its biggest shakeup in years. The body established by the CMA’s Retail Banking Market Investigation Order in 2017 to deliver open […]

Digital Bank Sector Welcomes New Contender

The universe of financial technology is expanding fast. The most significant growth is in the banking area, with new digital banks seeking to enter the market and challenge the mainstream almost every day. Our friends at Altfi offer the latest news. New neobank Chase has partnered with 10x Banking, to launch its entry into the UK retail […]

Banks Reap Trust Dividend – Plus Loan Latest

The pandemic does have a silver lining – albeit a very faint one. Trust in UK banks has risen over the past year, according to research conducted by our friends at AltFi. Despite the financial uncertainty prompted by the pandemic, across several different areas trust appears to be rising both in neo banks such as Monzo and Starling […]

FCA FinTech Sandbox A Success, So Far

One of the recurring stories in alternative finance – especially in cryptocurrencies – has been the struggle of regulators to keep up with the pace of innovation. The authorities have done much better in keep a vigilant bur benign eye on what one might call “mainstream digital” finance – challenger, digital banks are a prime […]

Capital Flow To Altfi Sector Continues Unabated

Today, we offer a snapshot of our super-busy alternative-finance sector as the mainstream, in the form of investment funds and venture capital players, buys in yet again. Our friends at Altfi report a couple of significant deals: First off is Kroo, a UK fintech aiming to win a bank license, has raised £17.7m in its […]

Bring It On! Evidence Mounts Of Public’s Desire For Cryptos

The sceptics have had their day. In case  you hadn’t noticed, cryptocurrencies have almost certainly gained critical mass in their acceptance by mainstream finance. Moreover, the enthusiasm for cryptos among the general public is strong and growing, with evidence to this effect appearing daily for those who want to see it. Our friends at Altfi […]