Tag Archives: Altfi

FinTech Challenger Banks Set Sites On Champion Status

The days of the “challenger” banks are surely soon to end. Quite simply, the FinTech challengers are set to become the champions. Our friends at UK TechCrunch report the latest and most significant big deal in the sector: Challenger banks continue to see huge infusions of cash from investors bullish on the opportunity for smaller […]

FinTech Players Still Jockeying For Government SME Funding Scheme Position

The tumult of news continues. Some of the FinTech sector’s players are jockeying for position ahead of the return of whatever it is we’re going to call normality once the Covid-19 epidemic has abated. Our friends at AltFi have an exclusive on the latest FinTech outfit to join the government’s various SME funding initiatives: Nucleus […]

Kalifa Delivers Long-Awaited FinTech Report

Ron Kalifa, a non-executive director of the Court of Directors at the Bank of England and the vice-chairman of WorldPay, has produced a long-awaited report on FinTech. Below we offer a snippet of coverage by our friends at AltFi. The executive summary can be found here. The full report can be found here. In a move that […]

Goldman Sachs And The Rise Of Robo-Advice

One of the recurring theme in this News section is the rise if the robots in the world of financial advice. The latest snippet come from Goldman Sachs, whose relaunch of its savings account, Marcus, recently featured here (a relatively attractive rate for a saving accont of 0.5 per cent AER compares to today’s newly […]

Open Banking Widens Horizons Yet Further

We have asked in these News pages whether the open door to open banking might lead to an empty room. The room is definitely not empty, as the queue to get in lengthens steadily. Our friends at AltFi report the latest: Trade Ledger, an open banking fintech helping banks and alternative lenders make credit decisions, has […]

More Money Comes Through For AltFi Sector’s Monzo

More for Monzo may sound like a 1980s sitcom title, but it’s actually a news item that shows yet again the weight of money headed into alternative finance. Finextra reports: Monzo is raising a further £50 million in equity funding from existing shareholders and one new investor, Silicon Valley firm Octahedron Capital. The new capital, […]

The Democratisation Of Finance Hits A New Level

The leading asset class so far this year? Irony, apparently… AltFi runs a leader that’s both pithy and witty. We have our own views on the democratisation of finance – specifically as manifested in tokens and digital currencies – and we’ll be bringing these to you in a series of blogs shortly. Meanwhile, read and […]