Tag Archives: Altfi

FCA Ready To Up Surveillance Of P2P Sector

Some 65 peer-to-peer lending platforms have received a letter from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warning them to “act now” to clean up poor practice or face a “strong and rapid” crackdown, The Times reports. For clarity, Money&Co. had a routine and welcome two-day visit from the FCA in early summer. We have not changed our business […]

Running Commentaries On SME Funding And Alternative Finance – Our View

Smaller companies are looking more to alternative-finance sources for funding, according to research reported by our friends at P2P Finance News. This is the latest in a series of apparently contradictory (and possibly just attention-seeking) reports on the topic. As we have reported here earlier: “The signals on funding for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) […]

AltFi P2P Survey: Lower Yields Still Appeal

AltFi has taken the lead in research of the peer-to-peer (P2P) market across Europe. Below, we reprise a couple of salient points from AltFi’s own analysis of the data it garnered. The full article, well worth a read, can be found here. Fat margins get thinner for investors Investors in a diversified peer-to-peer lending portfolio […]

Conservative Risk Management Is Way Forward For P2P

Steady as she goes… The peer-to-peer (P2P) sub-sector of alternative finance has suffered some reverses recently. We offer an excerpt from the latest news report from our friends at AltFi, involving a UK fund investing in a troubled French venture, below. Our take on all this is simple: improperly managed risky ventures will fail (and […]

Mainstream Eyes AltFi Consolidation Objectives

Mainstream banking has long been playing a game of “if you can’t beat them, join them” with the alternative finance industry. Our own sub-sector of alternative finance, the peer-to-peer (P2P) credit sector, is among the most popular and sought-after. The government-backed British Business Bank is positively eager to help with credit funds for properly sourced […]

SME Confidence Is High, But AltFI Awareness Low – Plus Loan Latest

The London School of Business and Finance reports on an Institute of Directors survey that shows small-business confidence levels are high, but awareness of alternative sources of business funding is low. This report is an example of one arm of two recurring themes, the ying and yang of alternative finance (almost a double message). On […]